There were tasty treats aplenty for the more than 2,000 people that turned out for the return of Bridgewalk.
HHB shows its community spirit by displaying banners on the bridge for dozens of not-for-profit organizations each year.

The HHB community rock garden program celebrated significant anniversaries for Easter Seals and Habitat for Humanity
Every two weeks through the summer maintenance workers change banners of the bridge that support not-for-profit organizations
There was no shortage of spectators cheering on MACPASS Miles runners
The flag marking ten end of slavery in the Commonwealth danced in the wind as families took in Bridgewalk

There is always work to be done on the bridges concrete piers and abutments

A circus act dazzled attendees to Bridgewalk 2022
Trevor Murphy and Shawn Laba, are key players with HHB’s tolling team
The HHB Finance Department was framed during an HHB Town Hall
Four HHB employees were recognized with long-service awards during the year. From left, Steve McConnell, 30 years of service, Carinne Brooks, 15, Cheryl Kempton, 25 and John Richardson, 15.
Human Resources specialist Primal Pinto and HR Manager Carl Gannon spearhead the HHB efforts to keep staff happy and well trained.

HHB marks the Truth and Reconciliation Day with a special flag flying from the Dartmouth Tower
Frequent Inspection are critical to ensuring the safety and efficiency of HHB’s two bridges
Fresh rebar is installedto help prolong the life of the bridge piers.
HHB don’t just move vehicles. The Macdonald Bridge sidewalk and bikeway are critical to its support of active transportation options.